Friday, August 13, 2010

5th Cousin to Colette's Grandmother's Cat...

Mary Frances, Colette and Eddie
 The mystery is not resolved!!! When I was in Ireland, Colette and I went to the Kerry County Library in Tralee.  On our way, we visited with Mary Frances Herlihy in Carraganes and her cousin Eddie O'Connor. Carraganes is near Ballydesmond which is on the Cork-Kerry border.
     While speaking to Mary Frances, we asked her if she knew how Marguerite's family (Thomas and Red Nell Herlihy) were related.  She said that Marguerite's great aunt Nora used to live below and she was a second cousin to her (Mary F.'s) father.  This was new and valuable information.  It connects another branch to the Herlihy family tree.
      The road to Mary Frances' is a boreen.  There is literally barely enough room for one car to travel on it. This picture is the drive to the place where Nora lived.

     We wanted to be sure we understood where Macha was.  Macha is a local name for the place where the Herlihys lived in Ballynahulla, Ballincuslane.  It is sometimes also referred to as Ulla in records.  Mary Frances was reluctant to go with us to the area but was willing to point it out from the Ballydesmond Graveyard.

Look into the distance and that is Macha.

     The Kerry Library staff was extremely helpful but the resources were limited.  One resource that was definitely local was the Journal of Cumann Luachra. It didn't have anything specific to the Herlihys, but gave us a flavor of life in the area.
     So, the end result is that I moved a few degrees closer than 31st cousin to Colette's grandmother's cat!!


  1. I am related to you, somehow. I was just working on this very thing and figured it out, just before finding this, as you said: Macha is a local name for the place where the Herlihys lived in Ballynahulla, Ballincuslane. It is sometimes also referred to as Ulla in records.
    I am especially happy to know Ulla refers to that area. Hard to get my head around where things are there! And, believe me, I have put some time into it, and I understand the obsession. Marguarite is my cousin (Chicago) and I knew who you were talking about as soon as you said, "Red Nell." I would love to know more about her and the family. My grandfather was Michael Daly, born in Scalp, Knocknadarriv, Brosna, Kerry, Ireland. I'm still looking for my great great grandparents, Catherine Connell & John Daly of the same area.
    Mercedes McVey

  2. btw, not sure how this blogging thing works, but my email address is I have a tree on ancestry.
